Alanis Morissette - Supposed Former Infatuation Jankie

Supposed Former Infatuation Jankie
  • CD
  • Year: 1998
  • Label: Warner
  • Genre: Pop Rock
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1. Front Row
2. Baba
3. Thank U
4. Are You Still Mad
5. Sympathetic Character
6. That I Would Be Good
7. Couch, The
8. Can'T Not
9. Ur
10. I Was Hoping
11. One
12. Would Not Come
13. Unsent
14. So Pure
15. Joining You
16. Heart Of The House
17. Your Congratulations


Alanis Morissette (Vocals, Harmonica, Flute, Piano); Glen Ballard
(Guitar, Piano, Synthesizer, Programming); Nick Lashley, Joel Shearer
(Guitar); Benmont Tench (Organ, Chamberlin); Chris Chaney (Bass); Gary
Novak (Drums, Percussion); Shad T. Scott, Christopher Fogel
(Programming); Dash Mihok (Loop). Engineers: Christopher R. Fogel, Glen