Chaka Khan - The Woman I Am

The Woman I Am

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  • CD
  • Anno: 1992
  • Etichetta: Warner
  • Genere: R&B
Prezzo di listino
CHF 6.00
Prezzo scontato
CHF 6.00
Prezzo di listino
Prezzo unitario
Imposte incluse. Spedizione calcolata al momento del pagamento.


1. Everything Changes
2. Give Me All
3. Telephone
4. Keep Givin' Me Lovin'
5. Facts Of Love
6. Love You All My Lifetime
7. I Want
8. You Can Make The Story Right
9. Be My Eyes
10. This Time
11. Woman I Am, The
12. Love With No Strings
13. Don'T Look At Me That Way


Personnel Includes: Chaka Khan (Vocals); Ira Seigel, Jeff Pevar, Peter Weibe (Guitar); Bobby Lyle (Fender Rhodes, Clavinet);
Katreese Barnes (Keyboards, Saxophone, Background Vocals); William Galison (Harmonica); Dave Koz, Andy Snitzer, Everette Harp
(Saxophones); Peter Reiter (Horns); Michael Bearden, Gary Haase (Piano); George Whitty (Keyboards, Bass, Drums); Abe Laboriel
(Bass); Marcus Miller (Bass, Keyboards, Programming); Steve Ferrone, Poogie Bell (Drums); Errol "Crusher" Bennett (Percussion).
Producers Include: Marcus Miller, David Gamson, Wayne Braithwaite, Arif Mardin, Joe Mardin