M People - Bizarre Fruit

Bizarre Fruit
  • CD
  • Year: 1994
  • Label: Bmg
  • Genre: R&B
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1. Sight For Sore Eyes
2. Search For The Hero
3. Open Your Heart
4. Love Rendezvous
5. Precious Pearl
6. Sugar Town
7. Walk Away
8. Drive Time
9. Padlock
10. And Finally...


M People: Heather Small (Vocals); Mike Pickering (Vocals, Saxophone); Paul Heard (Keyboards, Programming); Shovell (Percussion).
Additional Personnel: G.A. Parricelli, Jim Williams (Guitar); Yolisa Phale, Steven Hussey, Ivan Hussen, Ellen Blair (Strings);
Chris "Snake" Davis (Saxophone, Flute); John Thirkell (Trumpet); Andy Connell, Graham Harvey (Piano); Julian Crampton (Bass); Andy
Gangadeen (Drums); Paul Jervier (Programming); Juliet Roberts, Carroll Thompson, Beverly Skeet, Fay Simpson, Paul "Tubbs" Williams
(Background Vocals).